5 online payment services for sales websites

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1. Onepay payment gateway


5 online payment services for sales websites

As a collaboration product between Onepay Company, Vietcombank and Master Card International, Onepay is currently leading in the market of providing online payment services in Vietnam not only because of its professionalism and solutions. diversity, security and safety, but also easy access to global business. The fee for transactions via Onepay is 1.5-4%/transaction, this fee is quite high compared to some other services. OnePay is currently free of risk management, free to process chargeback transactions. For domestic cards, usually within 7 days, the cardholder will get back the lost account. And here, the seller will have to bear an additional chargeback cost of about several tens of dollars. Sapo Web website has been supported to integrate Onepay online payment form. You can implement the integration following the instructions here. See more details: http://onepay.com.vn/

2. Ngan Luong payment gateway (Nganluong.vn)


5 online payment services for sales websites

As the exclusive partner of Paypal in Vietnam, invested by 3 leading technology & e-commerce corporations in the world: IDG (USA), SoftBank (Japan) and eBay (USA), Nganluong.vn is a service. market leading online payment service. With Nganluong.vn, buyers can buy goods online quickly in just 5 minutes to 4 hours completely free of charge, the seller will have to bear the maximum fee of 1000 VND + 1%/transaction in exchange for prestige, trust customer confidence in the business itself thanks to the protection of the custody payment function and the transaction insurance program. In particular, this is also the only payment tool to import goods across borders from 40 countries to Vietnam via eBay.vn. See more details at: https://www.nganluong.vn/

3. Payoo payment gateway


5 online payment services for sales websites

Payoo e-wallet is a product of Vietnam Community Online Joint Stock Company (VietUnion) - a member company of the Saigon Group. With payoo, you can shop and use services that save money, time and effort, and are extremely safe, without having to reveal information related to your bank account and credit card numbers. those websites every time you shop. Payoo cooperates with many banks, allowing owners to top up or withdraw money from the Wallet to a bank account via Internet Banking or other transaction channels with a maximum fee of 1,760 + 1.2%. See more details at: https://www.payoo.com.vn/

4. Vn Mart payment gateway


5 online payment services for sales websites

VnMart e-wallet is a combination product of Vietnam Bank for Industry and Trade (VietinBank) and Vietnam Payment Solution Joint Stock Company (Vnpay). Customers who are e-partner cardholders of Vietinbank or cards of partner banks (Agribank, DongA Bank, BIDV) can top up money directly into Vn mart wallet via VnTopup message to use for payment of transactions. e-commerce translation. In addition to paying bills on website stores, Vn mart integrates payment for phone bills, buying airline tickets, BIC insurance, prepaid and postpaid card codes. Like other online payment services, Vn Mart always ensures the safety of customers. See more details at: https://www.vnmart.vn/

5. Bao Kim e-wallet


5 online payment services for sales websites

With the management unit of Vietnam Price Joint Stock Company, born later, Bao Kim has affirmed its position in the role of a bridge between buyers and sellers in online transactions in Vietnam. You only need to provide credit card information, ATM for a single address to pay throughout all websites that integrate payment with Bao Kim. Information and data are absolutely safe for users. Bao Kim has a maximum custody period of 7 days, ready to refund if the seller does not fulfill the sales commitment. Bao Kim integration will be completely free, including maintenance fees. When a transaction occurs, the buyer will bear a maximum fee of 0.1%/transaction. See more details: https://www.baokim.vn/   Each online payment service has its own operating policies, but in general, they are all aimed at ensuring the quality of buying and selling services, the interests of the two parties involved in the transaction, and the development support with other online payment services. partners, minimizing risks in online payment transactions. Integrating many reputable online payment services on a sales website will increase trust and expand customers' choices for businesses.

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