Instructions for using zalo OA on zalo app

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Currently Zalo has integrated Zalo OA into the main app and no longer uses the Zalo OA manager app, here are the steps to help you discover Zalo OA inside the Zalo app



Step 1: Search for the term Mini in the main Zalo app
Step 2: Click Explore in the Mini app (this contains all Zalo's miniapps like the app store)
Step 4: In the mini apps page, search for the word OA > OA manager will appear
Step 5: In the OA manager page, click Settings to set up message notifications
Step 6: you can set up to receive instant messages or receive messages hourly (in case of multiple messages)

So you have successfully set up OA messages in Zalo, to find out how to register Zalo OA you can see more here.

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