What is Vedette? Vedette's influence in the fashion industry

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Every fashion show takes place, people will often be interested in who Vedette will be. Which model, Miss will be eyeed and chosen by the designer. Some of you will wonder what Vedette is, what is the importance of this position. Let's find out with JAY.

What is Vedette?

Vedette is a buzzword in the fashion industry, a position that every girl in the modeling profession dreams of. The show's Vedette will come out last, dressed in the collection's gorgeous outfits, and then wrap up with the designer.

What is Vedette?
What is Vedette?

A show will run for 30 to 45 minutes, each collection has dozens to hundreds of designs. Regardless of the design can make viewers admire, but the first and final impression will be calculated to make the show perfect. Therefore, in the position of a Vedette, the model always has to keep calm, expression and attitude are always at the most stable level. 

The position of power in every fashion show

Vedette Why is she so powerful, because when she was in this position, the model first had a certain position in the fashion industry. Attraction, popularity is also an advantage to be chosen for this position. Not only that, the designers also choose based on the suitability of the outfit and the direction of the collection.

Vedette is always seen as the bright spot

In other fields, if you choose right at the bottom, maybe they only choose you for enough numbers. In the fashion industry, it is different, with the last place of the show, which means you have successfully progressed to glory in this industry. The glory here is that you will have a high chance of conquering many future fashion shows, working with top magazines, even on the cover. Typically, the beauties listed as supermodels Thanh Hang, Minh Tu, Vo Hoang Yen, .. are the names that often stand in the Vedette position.

What are the golden criteria for choosing Vedette by designers?

Before the show time, designers will hold a casting session to select models for their collection. Criteria of designers will be different, but in general will still require height, catwalk ability, and suitability. The more expensive position will require more experience, the ability to control emotions, handle situations at the last minute of the program. To understand better, we can compare Vedette selection criteria in the West and Vietnam.

Criteria for choosing Vedette in the West:

At Heaven West is famous for fashion shows of famous brands. Vedette selection is also very careful and thorough. We can clearly see in the shows Gucci, Chanel, Prada, etc., the designer always chooses familiar, famous and experienced faces in the profession such as "black leopard" Naomi Campbell, Gigi Hadid, Kate Moss, …

Find out more: Naomi Campbell: The great influence of supermodels with rare beauty

Criteria for choosing Vedette in Vietnam:

In Vietnam, in addition to the basic criteria, usually designers will choose Vedette according to its popularity and spread at that time in order to increase its communication ability and attract many audiences. Typically as Miss Grand International 2021 – Nguyen Thuc Thuy Tien, after being crowned, became the focus and when receiving the show, she went to the Vedette position.

The above information has been summarized by JAY to help people understand more words in the field of fashion. The Vedette position is one of the most "boss" positions for a model, not only for women but also for male models. It was an honor, a step forward in their careers.

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