“Beautiful Roofs of Bright Houses” is a groundbreaking campaign by NS Bluescope Vietnam & Vietwind Group to spread modern and superior architecture to Vietnamese rural houses. This campaign aims to strengthen Bluescope Zacs's brand position as a brand introduced by Vietnamese construction contractors & architects. In addition, the company also seeks to link the marketing campaign with their ecosystem, which is a mobile application for Zacs contractors and agents nationwide that Vietwind has built previously. That has been shown through the website undertaken by JAYbranding.
JAYbranding has shown a professional and classy website but still extremely convenient and simple. Website is the place to demonstrate digital marketing & develop digital platforms in online home marketing. Not stopping there, the website is constantly updated and improved by a team of experienced technicians to optimize all information and online activities of the corporation.
For consulting on services, please contact us:
Mã số thuế 0314143143
Địa chỉ 15 Trần Khắc Chân, Phường Tân Định, Quận 1, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0899991131