Ho Chi Minh City business logo design

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Design a business logo with a variety of designs, not duplicated, suitable for business needs.

The logo design process includes:

  1. Employees get information requested by customers about the size, nature of the business, the desired direction
  2. 1st batch logo sketch with many idea development directions to exclude
  3. Create an in-depth idea for the second phase of the logo components as well as more options for the customer's choice
  4. Create a logo mold with symbolic items to complete the identity

The logo design process is not only a beautiful effect, but also must meet the following factors:

  1. Beauty: beautiful, suitable
  2. Application: high applicability with many materials
  3. Expansion: suitable for the development process of the business

Typical projects


Website X-men – uy lực và bứt phá Hẳn cái tên X-men không còn là cái tên quá xa lạ


Website DOLAV Vietnam Dolav là nhà cung cấp toàn cầu, đi đầu về các giải pháp lưu trữ và xử

Dr. Nguyen Giap

www.drnguyengiap.com BS. TRẦN NGUYÊN GIÁP Bác sĩ Trần Nguyên Giáp tốt nghiệp ngành Bác sĩ đa khoa tại Đại học


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