What is Outlook PRE? Alternative version for Mail app windows

Outlook Pre

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What is Outlook Pre? If you've ever wondered how silly and funny the Outlook and mail sorting system on Windows is, Microsoft is taking steps to fix this. Including the resynchronization of software for email, instead of Mail, then Outlook on the phone, they are gradually unifying step by step. This article will help you use the new outlook instead of the old Mail software (actually it looks more like a web app than a real windows app).

The latest Outlook for Windows brings the latest features, smart support, and a new simple and modern design to your Outlook app. You can customize it to your style and do more with the new Outlook for Windows!

Give it a preview, start your journey with us, and help us shape the future of the new Outlook for Windows.

Important: The new Outlook for Windows supports Microsoft 365 accounts or school accounts powered by Exchange. Currently, the new Outlook for Windows does not support other account types such as Gmail, Yahoo!, iCloud or other types of accounts that connect via POP / IMAP protocol. The new Outlook for Windows also doesn't support On-Premises, Hybrid, or Sovereign Exchange deployments.

To learn more about the new Outlook for Windows, check out the post on Office Insider's blog.


The new Outlook for Windows is only available to Office Insiders. The Office Insider program gives Office subscribers early access to features before they go live.

Join Office Insider Program today.

How to install

  1. Make sure you're on Office Insiders Fast (Beta Channel) or Current Channel (Preview) for classic Outlook for Windows users. For Windows 10 Mail and Calendar users, make sure you're on Windows Insiders (Beta Channel). 2 A. For classic Outlook for Windows, confirm that your Microsoft 365 account or an Exchange-supported school account is your default Sending Account in Outlook. To do this, click File > Account Settings > Account Settings > Set as default.

Update: now available for normal users to the entire Mail app on windows

  • Restart Outlook and click convert Try the new Outlook. Read the privacy statement in the prompt and then select Convert.https://jaybranding.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/ca5fb182-d9a7-4ac3-8c31-5459ec035fb5.png

OR2B. Confirm that you are logged in to your account Outlook.com or Microsoft 365 schools powered by Exchange in the Mail and Calendar apps.

  • Restart the Mail app and click convert Try it first. Click 'Download' on the Microsoft Store page that appears after you click convert.https://jaybranding.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/57344893-750d-4e92-94c8-87a0068b3b23.png

Note: You can switch back whenever you want, just turn off the switch in the new Outlook and it will automatically open the classic version.

  1. The new Outlook for Windows will boot to the account you set as the default sending account in Outlook. If Outlook can't sign you in automatically, type the account manually and sign in (must be an Exchange-supported school account or Microsoft 365 account).
  2. Select Enter settings on the dialog box that appears to transfer your settings from classic Outlook to Windows, or select Skip. To learn more about imported settings, see Migrate your settings to the new Outlook for Windows.

Note: If you choose Skip, your Outlook on the web settings will be used.

    What's New in Outlook Pre

    First, it's better than the PWA (Progressive Web App). Because this is the official version upgraded from mail, the evaluation of the speed of opening mail, replying to mail is similar to an offline app. However, if an offline app is 10 fast, here it is only 7 because it has to interact mainly on the web

    The icon and the Mail interface have not changed, when opening the Mail app, it automatically loads once to the Outlook PRE app.

    Other features are quite smooth if you prefer Outlook's Web app over Outlook mail app on windows or mac

    Rating 7/10 > just introduced by Microsoft so we'll have to see how it goes in a month

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