What is corporate photography?

corporate advertising photography

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Corporate photography is a form of promoting a business' products and services through high-quality photos taken by professionals. To achieve high efficiency in product advertising, businesses need to choose the types of photography that are suitable for their purposes.

The following forms of business advertising photography are common forms in business advertising photography

Capture business ads in the form of business profile:

This is one of the most popular forms of business advertising photography, with the purpose of introducing the business to customers. By taking pictures of members of the business, offices, work areas and activities of the business, introduce to customers about the core values, professionalism and talented staff of the company. enterprise.

The purpose of this type of use is usually for service companies that want to introduce teams and personnel. Focus on the professional characteristics of the team in the business company to represent the company to interact with customers

See more detailed analysis of professional company profile photography by following the link below:

Shooting corporate advertising through advertising product photography:

This is a form of business advertising photography to help customers have a comprehensive view of the business's products. By taking photos of your products, create a professional feel and attract customers.

Taking photos of products for e-commerce platforms such as clothes, phones, gas stoves… Paying attention to product specifications helps customers to recognize products as well as agents with high quality images to distribute. other places.


Take a photo of your business ad with the template:

This is a form of business advertising photography to help products become more lively and attractive. By taking product photos with models, customers will have an authentic look and feel of the product firsthand.

Usually this form will be used for cosmetic products of the company that need someone to interact with the product to highlight the product value.

Capture business ads with key visual advertising campaign:

This is a form of business photography that helps the brand of the business become more prominent in the hearts of customers. Use advertising photos to create attention, increase the brand awareness of the business.

This photography helps the marketing department manage images for media campaigns. Usually each media campaign will be concretized with a certain key visual image. In which the team includes: ideation, actor coordination, photography, graphic design, post-production

Why choose JAYbranding as a business advertising agency?

JAYbranding is a unit specializing in providing professional business advertising photography services, ensuring high quality, reasonable prices and quick completion time. Customers can be assured of JAYbranding's service quality when it has been trusted and used by many large enterprises.

In addition, JAYbranding also has a team of professional photographers and designers, with many years of experience in the field of corporate advertising photography. This helps to make the customer's business advertising photography professionally done, optimizing the effectiveness of the customer's product advertisement.

So, if you are looking for a professional and high-quality business advertising photography unit, please contact JAYbranding immediately for the best advice and support.

Reference images for business advertising photography

Typical projects


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