Topics to study when you are a fresh graduate front end dev

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Focus on the following topics and details

  1. HTML
    1. Use popular HTML editor like visual studio code
    2. Login and use sync functions like github
    3. Proficient in using basic tags such as div, h1, h2, h3 and span...
    4. Distinguish class and id
  2. CSS
    1. Mastering basic CSS attributes
    2. Know how to inspect, read css attribute from browser
    3. Know how to select the right element
  3. Javascript
    1. Basic: variable declaration, if statement, for . statement
    2. Advanced: learn the JQuery library
    3. Functions when executing javascript
    4. Javascript Actions
    5. Browser related operators like log, sessionStorage…


  1. Domain
  2. Hosting
  3. Email
  4. Database MySQL

Serving Front-end Work

  1. Figma
  2. Canva
  3. Compress images from JPG PNG to webp
  4. Cache
  5. Cloudflare Masked IP
  6. Layout, fonts, colors

Typical projects


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