What should you pay attention to when building an effective website?

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Currently, online sales channels are the fastest way to reach customers. Most businesses invest in building a website to market their products. However, wanting a website to function effectively is not a simple matter. So what do you need to pay attention to to build an effective website?

Domain Name – Important home address

If the website is like a house, the domain name will be the address of the house. A clear, easy-to-find and easy-to-remember home address helps customers visit often. On the contrary, a long domain name that is not easy to remember will make customers forget it.

Therefore, choosing a domain name for your website is extremely important. Many businesses accept high costs to buy beautiful domain names, thereby bringing high efficiency to the sales page. When choosing a domain name, it is important to pay attention to its conciseness, uniqueness, and ease of search for both domestic and foreign users.

Invest in website content

Surely everyone understands the importance of website content. Content is the message that entrepreneurs want to convey. This is also a convenient form of calling for business purchases.

Website content often includes articles, images. They need to convey useful information to consumers. In addition, businesses should update their content regularly. Customers will not like to "chew" old and boring information when returning to the website.

The contents of promotions, product promotion events, etc. will attract more consumers. In order for content to always attract customers, content producers must understand the psychology and buying habits of customers. From there, new businesses can create useful content, helping customers visit the website more often.

Impressive and clear business logo

Logos are considered as business cards or mascots of the business. Logo is something that easily impresses and helps customers remember for a long time right from the first meeting. When it comes to famous brands such as Chanel, Adidas, Samsung, etc., consumers will immediately imagine the shape of their logo.

An attractive website logo is often quite elaborately designed and has a deep meaning. They not only tell the brand story, have high aesthetics but also attract customers.

Website layout is harmonious and balanced

The way the website layout design will speak about the aesthetics and style of the business. Besides, an effective website layout is a layout that makes consumers feel comfortable, easy to read and easy to find information every time they visit.

Many businesses often design websites with confusing layouts, cramming too much, making customers lose focus. Or conversely, a loose layout, no accents will fade in the eyes of consumers.

In general, the website layout should be harmonious, reasonable, with accents. Businesses should choose experienced website design service providers. The service provider's specialist will advise the business on the designs that best suit the customer's current product and aesthetic tastes.

Typical for reputable and quality website design service providers, JAYbranding can be mentioned. Recently, JAYbranding has cooperated with many brands, producing impressive and effective website designs. With extensive experience in providing brand consulting services, image production or website design, JAYbranding is highly appreciated by customers for its professionalism and cooperation results.

Typical projects


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Dr. Nguyen Giap

www.drnguyengiap.com BS. TRẦN NGUYÊN GIÁP Bác sĩ Trần Nguyên Giáp tốt nghiệp ngành Bác sĩ đa khoa tại Đại học


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